Saturday, 26 March 2011

Power to the People.

New media promotes democracy, allowing people to generate social change in ways that were once impossible. As the communication realm becomes increasingly participatory, the networked population is able to gain “greater access to information, more opportunities to engage in public speech, and an enhanced ability to undertake collective action” (Shirky 2011,3). 
However, this notion does not include everyone . Some governments try to “stifle communication”, fearing that they will lose control of their citizens (Shirky 2011, 3). Although, it seems traditional media and government regulatory bodies are losing a degree of power, as people connect through new media to affect change themselves.
Consider Days of My Life, a blog I follow, written by a young Iraqi woman, nicknamed Sunshine. Her words are her own; and it is through new media that Sunshine has become empowered, as discussed in Pete’s blog digimediastudent, on March 26, 2011. She can express herself and reflect her people in an alternative way, not often revealed by the media.
Peace One Day is another example of online empowerment, and embodies the idea of new media connecting people to create positive change where it is needed most. The project gained momentum around the world using social media platforms like Youtube and Facebook.
I feel incredibly lucky to live in a world where many people have the freedom to connect, communicate and collaborate for change.

Pump Aid- one of Peace One Day's many achievements - providing clean drinking water for over one million people in Africa. 


Peace One Day. 2009."Introduction to Peace One Day." YouTube video, posted July 22. Accessed March 27, 2011.

Peace One Day. n.d. "Home". Accessed March 27, 2011.

Pete. 2011. "Freedom and Responsibility," Digimediastudent, March 26. Accessed March 27. 

Shirky, Clay. 2011. "The Political Power of Social Media: Technology, the Political Sphere and Public Change in Foreign Affairs 90 (1): 1-3. Accessed March 23, 2011.

Sunshine. 2011. "Determined to change...the Friday of anger and the palms' revolution," Days of My Life, February 26. Accessed March 27.

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