Sunday, 3 April 2011

Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.

In his article Media Life, Deuze (2011, 137) argues that we have come to live a life in, not just with media. Today, the internet is a part of us,and we have the opportunity to create and edit multiple versions of ourselves online (Deuze 2011). However, this freedom of multiple identity construction isn’t always a good thing.

In New Media Interpretation, on April 2, Jess McIntyre explains the importance of carefully creating a consistent online identity across all media platforms, because we must consider how we are perceived on a global scale (Leong 2011).

A consistent identity is particularly important when considering your career. It is common for employers to search for you online to learn more about you, and if they discover tasteless photos of you online, there is a chance they will simply dismiss you as a candidate.

How not to get a job.
(Image accessed:

Then there’s the flip side. There are those who construct an online identity that they feel is perfectly wholesome, and in turn, receive great criticism. Case in point Rebecca Blacks’ Friday. Personally, I can’t believe the song is legitimate, and it seems many others agree, and have taken to parodying the original clip. However, despite being widely ridiculed, Friday has gone viral, the song is on Itunes, and Rebecca has achieved media fame.

So perhaps online identity criticism can be advantageous for some!


Dueze, Mark. 2011. "Media Life" Media, culture and society 33 (1): 137-148. Accessed March 30, 2011.

doi:  10.1177/016344371038651

Leong, S. KCB206 Media, Internet, Self and Beyond: Week 5 Lecture notes. Accessed April 1, 2011.

McIntyre, Jess. 2011. "How are we perceived on the internet and new media?," New Media Interpretation, April 2. Accessed April 3.

Toejappy. 2011."Rebecca Black- Friday (Official Parody Video) Toejappy." YouTube video, posted March 15. Accessed April 3, 2011. 

AfricandancersENT. 2011. "Good Morning America: Worst Song Ever? Rebecca Black Responds: 'I don't think I'm the worst." YouTube video, posted March 18. Accessed April 3, 2011.

Trizzy66. 2011. "Rebecca Black- Friday (official video)." YouTube video, posted February 10. Accessed April 3, 2011.

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